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Importance of internal links: in Google search ranking

Internal links

The importance of internal links in google search ranking is way more than it looks, internal links are those that are created to show the hierarchy of your content; how your website content is structured and link relevant pages internally. Internal link structure acts as a corridor which is connected to the different rooms and halls. Placing internal links is easy you can learn more here how to place internal links.

Benefits of linking

Google spider, in other words, Google search engine crawls website pages and check for internal links if the links are broken or not created or structured with relevancy Google takes is as bad structure and ranks the website lower as compared to competitors. Google consider strong internal link structure as best for user experience and ranks higher if the website has strong internal links. Read more here about internal linking on Moz.


Assume that there are two similar websites with same search ranking, content, pages, design and other features. Now there is only one difference Website A has strong internal links and website B has weak internal links. Now if someone searches for the websites in search engine Google will rank the Website A far better than Website B although they both are identical in all other aspects. This is because Google considers that the website with more internal links has more relevant content and worth showing to the users in the first place.

importance of internal links

What should be done?

Webmasters must pay attention to internal links, your website will not be considered best if you do not have a strong internal link structure regardless of your brilliant content and other desirables. You should at least have one or two internal links in all pages/posts of your website that connects the whole website content on other pages together.

Interesting to read: Google to end URL shortening service

Do’s and Don’ts
  • It is advisable that links should be used in simple HTML form to allow Google to crawl and access them easily
  • Avoid other forms of links embedded in java, flash and other plugins
  •  Do not link irrelevant page content together
  • Do not put too many links on one page as it appears confusing users with so many links 

1 thought on “Importance of internal links: in Google search ranking

  1. It is very good article. It is very important article for link build.
    Thanks for sharing this article I am applying what I get here on my site, thank you again.

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