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Improve Wi-Fi Connectivity Now

Researchers have found out that those who are suffering from slow Wi-Fi connectivity issues can now speed up their Wi-Fi signal with FOIL.

The foil is reflective material that will direct the Wi-Fi signals to the place where you need them the most. It will move the signals away from the location where you don’t need them.

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Now if you want to bring the maximum impact of this you must know the layout of your home.

The researchers, from Dartmouth College, University of Washington, Columbia University and UC Irvine developed a reflector. The reflector was made of plastic and covered with “a thin layer of metal”. The researchers tested it by placing it on different routers. What it did was increase strength by 6dB in areas where the signal was required and reduced the strength by 10db where it was not required.

The researchers said, “To create the technology, the researchers designed an algorithm that optimizes a reflector’s 3-D shape to target wireless coverage. The team also developed an approach to simulating how radio signals spread and interact with objects in their environment. With information on a specific interior space, locations of wireless access points and the desired target area, the system computes an optimized reflector shape in only 23 minutes.”

The researchers informed that the reflector can be 3D-printed for $35. In foil, a user will have to wrap it by themselves. This is much cheaper compared to directional antennae.

Researchers further informed, “By shaping signals, users can increase wireless efficiency through lessening the signal-deadening impact of building materials and interior layouts. Such a system can also make it more difficult for attackers by adding to existing security measures like encryption through physically confining wireless signals to limited spaces. This also leads to reduced interference.”