Interesting Facts About Ice Cream

Ice cream is a combination of milk, sugar, cream and sometimes some other ingredients, that have been frozen together in a soft, creamy delight making use of special techniques.
Following are some of the interesting facts about ice cream:
- The origin of ice cream dates back to the 4th century B.C., although no specific date of origin or the inventor has been credited with the discovery of this delicacy.
- The ice creams that we enjoy today have been invented in Italy during the 17th century
- The industrial production of ice cream started in the year 1851 in Boston, United States of America.
- The largest global consumption of ice cream is in the US. They’re on an average one person consumes 48 pints of ice cream annually
- Before the advent of milk-based ice creams in the 10th century, this summer treat was manufactured from ice
- The most widely consumed and favourite flavour of ice cream is vanilla. Following it is the chocolate flavour, then strawberry, cookies n’ cream and others
- The most profitable day for an ice-cream seller is almost always Sunday
- In the US, July is termed as the National Ice Cream Month
- One cone of ice cream could be consumed off in 50 licks
- The most favourite ice cream topping is chocolate syrup
- End of World War II was celebrated by eating ice cream
- There are 273 calories in one cup of vanilla ice cream
- As per NASA, ice cream is among the top 3 items most missed by the astronauts on space flights. The others are pizza and fizzy drinks
- The standard ice cream machine has got 3 levers, 2 for flavours and 1 for twisting
- Hawaii is home to an ice cream bean fruit that tastes like vanilla ice cream
- One cow during her entire life could produce enough milk for 9,000 gallons of ice cream
- Ice cream cones were invented during 1904 World’s Fair St. Louis when large demand forced the ice-cream sellers to find help from the nearby waffle vendors. Together they made history
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