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iOS 14.7 Second Beta Is Released

iOS 14.7 beta

Apple has released a new pre-release version for developers for iOS 14.7. The update should also start in the public test program shortly. So far there is little about the individual innovations in iOS 14.7 – there are mainly new things “under the hood”.

After the first beta release for iOS 14.7 in May, an update will follow in this beta round, because the second beta of iOS 14.7 is now available for developers. There are still few indications of the contents of the new version, but a few details on the general changes that Apple will be introducing with iOS 14.7. These include new options for the HomePod and improvements to the Weather app for some countries that didn’t have the air quality display before.

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It is also said that Apple is still working on optimizations. Otherwise, according to the first reports on the Apple blogs, there is currently not much new to try out. In any case, the new beta still contains a large number of improvements and bug fixes from the previous version. Most of the changes should be under the hood and prepare new functions.

How To Take Part in the beta program

First, Apple released an update for registered developers. An update for end-users should follow soon. Once it’s distributed, it’s available via the over-the-air update. Those who have not yet registered for the public beta program can still do so and join us. Participation is free and requires a one-time registration for the program at beta.apple.com/sp/betaprogram from the correspondingly supported device. The Apple ID is required for this.

Once you have registered, you will automatically receive new beta versions as with any other update. However, one should keep in mind that, as with any beta version, unforeseen problems could arise. It is, therefore, better not to use your productive iPhone, but rather a second device for the tests. Since iOS 14 is supported from the iPhone 6s onwards, one or the other may still have an old device in the drawer.