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iPhone SE: Tiny size but big storage

iPhone SE

Apple is upping the capacity of the iPhone SE which means that there will be more storage for users.  The company is known for petite size phones and this move of additional storage means a more attractive consumer market.

In the newly announced four inch iPhone SE there is either 32GB storage or 128GB on board storage. This move replaces the previous 16GB and 64GB models in the range. However, this move has notched up the price of the models as well to (+50$ to $499). If you’re looking for the starter model then to let you know here is no change in price over there and the device is $399.

iPhone SE is upgrading storage but not the features

Like every Apple device there is no ability to notch up the capacity of the device through a removable memory card. Whatever you are given on the storage front is all you will have-so this move is all the more welcoming.

The iPhone SE was launched by Cupertino a year ago. It revived the four inch display which was a debut to iPhone 5 back in the year 2012. This move was like getting the niche of smaller phone lovers on board as well but not putting in a lot of storage capacity.

Read: iPhone 8: Expect no curved design

Apple has been widely criticized for continuing to sell handsets with 16GB of storage in an age where smartphone are powered by rich media sharing. Now it seems like the company is listening to the people and paying heed to them by launching this smartphone. The phone is tiny enough but with a lot more in terms of storage capacity. The $399 starter price is exactly what we need in the range of cheapest iPhone but with double the storage.

Image via MacWorld UK