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Major League Baseball Games: Live Streaming on Facebook

Major League Baseball

With the rising trend towards the internet, Facebook is aiming to build a wide community on its network. Recently, they announced that they’re in the talk to stream Major League Baseball games, making its population grow even big.

Although the news is still not yet officially rolled out, a source said that this baseball game would be streamed once a week. The spokespersons from Facebook and Major League Baseball declined to say anything until now.

The number of TV viewers is going down continually, which is a matter of concern for the sports league. People, now, spend most of their time on the internet especially on social networking websites like Facebook.

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To regain the interest of their viewers, sports leagues are struggling to capture a wide range of active viewers. Working with Facebook would help them attract baseball and other game lovers to rejoin them.

Major League Baseball isn’t the first one to establish a partnership with a social networking giant like Facebook. Last year, the National Football League partnered with Twitter to stream live games.

Facebook is also looking forward to more such deals. Earlier, they bound a contract with Univision Holdings Inc. to stream Mexican professional soccer game.

Source: Bloomberg

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