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Meta will no longer support Facebook’s News tab in the US and Australia

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Users in the US and Australia will begin to see the Facebook News tab vanish at the beginning of April. As part of its attempts to “align [its] investments to [its] products and services people value the most,” Meta has announced that it is deprecating the dedicated tab located in the social network’s favorite’s area. Early in December 2023, the firm announced that it was retiring the News tab in the UK, France, and Germany and allocating its resources to other content that users expressed a want to see more of, such short videos.

According to Meta’s most recent post, there has been an 80% decrease in the amount of users in the US and Australia who have been utilizing the News tab over the last year. It appears that news accounts for less than 3% of what Facebook users see, and it’s simply not a significant portion of their experience. “We know that people don’t come to Facebook for news and political content they come to connect with people and discover new opportunities, passions and interests,” the business stated.

The corporation will also stop paying Australian publishers for their material when their present partnerships expire by removing the News tab. Facebook responded to the then-proposed rule, which would have forced companies like Meta to pay media organizations for their material, by blocking news links in the nation a few years ago. Shortly as it began negotiating with Australian media companies, the business unblocked news links.

The Age reports that the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission believes Google and Meta signed agreements worth approximately $200 million annually with dozens of publications, including as News Corp Australia and Guardian Australia. About one-third, or $66 million, of that total comes from Meta, so its choice will undoubtedly have a significant effect on the nation’s journalism industry. Furthermore, it doesn’t appear like there will be any opportunity for negotiation: the firm made it quite apparent in its announcement that it will not be entering into any new commercial agreements for traditional news material in any of the locations where the News tab has already been deleted.

However, Facebook users can still access any news links in the aforementioned countries as Meta has not restricted them. Publishers can still post on social network. The can also post stories on their official platforms as usual.

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