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Microsoft to End Skype Wi-Fi Following the End of March 2017

Microsoft Skype Wi-Fi
From March 2017, Skype Wi-Fi will not be available to its users. Microsoft intends to focus on other Skype-base services.

Skype Wi-Fi previously allowed users to connect to any hotspot nearby. The idea was simply to connect users via a wireless internet. The service was available for free or for very cheap rates. The service has now around 2 million hotspots around the globe.

The company has now confirmed that from 31 March, Microsoft would be shutting down the Skype Wi-Fi service. It won’t be available for download and existing users won’t be able to use it.

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On their support page, the team stated:

After March 31st, Skype WiFi will no longer be available. If you still have the Skype WiFi application installed after this date, it will no longer be able to help you find and use hotspots.

You may still use any remaining Skype Credit you have towards calls to landlines and mobiles.

Microsoft acquired Skype in 2011 for $8.5bn dollars. The new acquirers announced that Skype would continue offering its services. With a new business division, Microsoft would be adding more value by introducing an array of new services.

Retiring the service, the team also said:

We are retiring Skype Wi-Fi globally so we can better focus our efforts on bringing you the best possible experience through our core Skype features.

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