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Microsoft Extends Support For Windows Server 2008

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Microsoft has announced that companies can now book an additional year of extended support for Windows Server 2008. This is certainly right for some admins after the headlines of the last few days.

Among other things, it became known that the administration of the federal capital Berlin still has a number of Windows Server 2008 online – ” completely outdated and without any possible security updates “.

The deadline for the last update was January 10, 2023. Microsoft also ended the so-called Extended Security Updates (ESU) on this date. With the ESU, companies can secure extended support for license fees.

Extended support expired, new grace period

But the extended support has now expired. If you still want to use Windows Server 2008 “safely”, you actually get a grace period: Microsoft confirmed this on Twitter. It said that if you need time to move, you can now buy another year of ESU support.

Microsoft tweeted, “If you need additional time to upgrade your Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2 environments to Azure, you can now purchase an additional year of Extended Security Updates (ESU). Visit for more details.”

It’s good business for Microsoft. The new end-of-support date is January 9, 2024.