Mobile networks will bring half the world online

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
The world is rapidly progressing into the digital sphere. Everything is being shifted into data and byte sized information. Pakistan is among the top countries, which is rapidly transitioning into the digital mobile network communication. It is estimated that by the end of 2016, half of the population in the world will be active users of internet. This is because of use of mobile networks and cheaper prices on 4G/3G and LTE networks. However, the drawback by the study shows that its concentration will only be in the developed countries. The United Nations agency commented on Tuesday about the widening technology gap between the nations.
According to the reports by the United Nation’s International Telecommunications Union (ITU) in developed countries only 80 percent of the population uses the internet. In developing countries the figure is only 40 percent while in less developing countries the internet use by the population falls to 15 percent.
3G and 4G mobile networks are becoming common in Asia
Pacific Asian countries and many regions of Africa that are poor and fragile have even low internet usage demographics. Only one in 10 people use the internet. The Union, which is a specialize agency for information and communication technologies said that the offline population encompasses females, elderly, less educated, financially poor and people in the rural areas. The information hints out at the lag of technology gap in developing nations as well creating a strong class divide. Technology gap is one of the main agendas to counter in the UNs MDGs.
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The United Nations set the online population agenda to 60 percent by 2020 as its goal. But globally only 47 percent of the entire population is online which shows how the target lags behind. 3.9 billion people which is more than half of the globes population do not have access to internet or good mobile networks. The ITU expects that 3.5 billion people might have access to internet and ICT by the end of the year. With 3G and 4G networks across the world more and more people use the internet. People no longer have to o online but they are online.
Pakistan is still developing its ICT infrastructure
Telecommunication companies are expanding their horizon to bring more affordable smartphones and technologies to consumers. They also encourage potential customers to browse the internet, by offering value data packages. This in turn boosts demand for data-heavy services. Less developed countries are still trailing the LDCs mode. The report points that developing countries are enjoying LDCs that was used by developed countries in 1998 suggesting that there is a lag of 20 years between the two set of worlds. The blame by ITU is on the cost of services and the infrastructure needs of the rural and remote customers coupled with high price of cellular use.
You can read here about the ITU facts and figures of 2016
Image via AlbertoMatus
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