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MS Excel introduces an amazing feature

microsoft office 365

Soon your Microsoft Excel spreadsheets will be more dynamic than ever. This is in accordance with a huge breakthrough by the company.

A new Excel update will permit the spreadsheet software to insert images. The images could be directly inserted into a cell. Thus, making them part of a worksheet as compared to just residing on top of the sheet. As per Microsoft, the new function will make the Excel sheets more tailored and personalized. It will give your work a completely new aspect.

The company noted on the official Microsoft 365 roadmap that in addition to the new feature of image insertion into cells, the latest “IMAGE” function will provide users with a variety of customization options. Within the cells, users could either move and resize cells, sort, and filter, and even work with images in an Excel sheet.

At the moment we are unclear on how the new feature will work out. As of now, the feature is listed in the list of “in development”. However, we can expect it by December 2022. Thus, hoping to receive the updates soon about its functionality. Microsoft revealed that the feature will be available across all devices i.e., desktop, web, Mac, and Android.

Given the time and era of hybrid working, the latest update to Microsoft Excel will make the software more user-friendly. Thus, encouraging more online collaborations across teams. Recently, the company shared that another feature termed @mentions will also be introduced to Excel. This feature will allow smooth collaborations by enabling the users to tag their co-workers either within the organization or outside of it. The tags would either indicate the addition of more information, editing, clarifications, and tracking.

Furthermore, the new feature added to hyperlinks allows users to add hyperlinks to the comments in the spreadsheets. It is different from the previous method of copying and pasting the plaintext.