Nayatel Powering Bahria Enclave with Telecom Services—not turning it into Smart City
Recently, Nayatel and Bahria Enclave has signed a contract in which Nayatel is going to provide entire Bahria Enclave with Fast broadband and HD Cable TV over fiber to the home (FTTH).
The telecom services provided by Nayatel will be all powered by fiber optic technology which could be classed as advanced telecom services but not turning the whole idea of a smart city into Bahria enclave as suggested by many including Pakistan observer and Phone World Magazine.
What Smart City Means
In another article, you can read about what smart city is, the cities built with intelligent and smart solutions using technology with special focus on managing, improving and enhancing the quality of life of the citizens in responsible and sustainable manner.
China, Singapore, Japan and South Korea are heading towards building smart cities with their government policies and initiatives. Providing technology efficient public, local and other services solutions to the citizens is what makes a smart city.
In May, Islamabad Smart City App was launched by the capital development authority which provides information on various public and local services such as; hospitals, Metro Bus, restaurants, emergency contact numbers, government offices and lot more.
The app can be assumed as a first block towards building a smart city and digitalizing the country.
Nayatel will provide Fiber broadband, HD cable TV, Security cameras in Bahria enclave, however, turning Bahria enclave into a smart city is the job which might take ages for a company like Nayatel.
Though the effort of providing best telecom services is still appreciated, Nayatel outperforms any other broadband service available in the Capital.
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