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One of the best features of Google Sheets is replicated by Microsoft Excel

The most useful feature of Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel is perhaps performing calculations through formulas. Although, if you have started using these features recently, it can be problematic for you to get used to them. In the previous year, Google Sheets added a new feature that includes artificial intelligence and doesn’t require the typical insertion of formulas like before. The feature spread faster as it was easier to grab and use. The hype of the feature was recognized by Microsoft, which recently launched a new feature containing the same level of capabilities as Google Sheets.

Formula suggestion

Microsoft made an announcement about its new features, suggesting or presenting a formula as an example. The feature works by suggesting a formula according to the nature of your question. The feature is able to suggest a formula when you enter “=” in the formula bar. For instance, if you have entered multiple figures in your data and you want to sum them up, it will suggest a formula for adding up the data and finding the total. Many of the common formulas are like average, count, min, and max. For the time being, the feature is only available in English.

Formula by example

The other feature, “formula by example,” fills up a range of cells by detecting the pattern in which you are filling the sheet. It’s quite similar to Excel’s “flash fill” feature. The feature can be quite useful if you are entering some kind of manual data with repeating patterns. This feature will auto-fill your cells by detecting data entry patterns and will save you a lot of time and energy.

Additionally, another new feature was introduced that updates and allows you to fix a broken cloud workbook. A new bar is also added to help with any queries. Moreover, adding an image to a specific cell is another quite useful feature being introduced.

All these features are part of Microsoft’s latest update, along with the improvements in Windows and macOS versions. Also, Microsoft’s web version is free to use if you’re thinking of switching from Google Workspace.