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Pakistani Student Commits Suicide in China, PIA brings back the Body

According to news reports a Pakistani student committed suicide in China. His body was brought back to Pakistan from Beijing Capital Airport by PIA. Usama Ahmad Khan committed suicide in China at Shenyang city in Liaoning province. He was a student of Shenyang Jianzhu University. His body was brought back by PK-853.

On November 17th the body of the deceased student was shifted to Beijing from Liaoning province.

Now there has been a confusion of whether the student committed suicide or he was murdered. A video has been circulating on social media of a man who is assumed to be Usama. Three people have pushed him down in a street and are continuously hitting him multiple times.

According to the foreign office this video is fake. They have said that the video is not of Usama Ahmad Khan. It is of some other person.

On social media a journalist tweeted, “This is in no way a suicide case but a cold-blood murder of a Pakistani student in China! Govt must take it up with Chinese govt to bring the murderers to justice.”

Then again the journalist tweeted, “Foreign Office terms this video as fake, saying is not that of Usama Ahmad Khan, who is said to have committed suicide at Shenyang city in Liaoning province in China!”

Minister for Human Rights Dr Shireen Mazari also took notice of this issue and tweeted, “I spoke to our Amb in Beijing earlier this morning and he said the video of the Pak student circulating was “not authentic” and a press release had been issued. Tragic. Copy of press statement below:”

Must read: Asad Umar says that there are no plans to privatise PIA, PSM