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Pakistan’s First Government Cloud-based Storage to Develop Soon

National Telecommunications Corporation (NTC) is collaborating with an enterprise software company called VMware Inc (VMW) to develop the first government cloud-based storage of Pakistan. NTC has inked an agreement with VMW.

Basically, a cloud storage is a unified storage for firms, enterprises, and developers. The data is stored & connected through the internet. Companies & individuals can access the data from any storage class.The aim of cloud services is to ensure that your data is secured and it is durable.

National Telecommunications Corporation believes that this step of creating Pakistan’s first government cloud-based storage will bring development in Pakistan’s IT sector. The telecom industry will grow and head in the right direction. Using VMware’s digital foundation, NTC can ensure that Pakistani government adopts cloud storage facility and welcome innovation & modernization in the field of technology. Not just this, but this agreement will also help the workers & government officials to easily store and access important data. They can bring efficiency in their work when they readily adopt and use modern facilities.

Now, this announcement of creating the first government based cloud system in Pakistan follows the first memorandum of understanding (MoU) that was signed between the two firms in September 2017. At that time NTC tested the VMware software to speed up digital growth in Pakistan’s public sector. It was part of the Digital Pakistan Initiative of the government.

Must read: Cloud infrastructure market for startups

Benefits of Cloud Storage

  • All your data is saved & maintained remotely
  • Firms need only pay for the storage they use
  • Firms using cloud storage can ‘cut their energy consumption by up to 70% making them a more green business’
  • Less storage maintenance work, as storage facility limited to service provider
  • Immediate access to a variety of resources and applications for users
  • Backup data available, in case you lose data

1 thought on “Pakistan’s First Government Cloud-based Storage to Develop Soon

  1. I hope this initiative encourages other companies to shift towards the cloud, as it has a number of benefits including automation tools that reduce operating costs and enterprise level applications. RapidCompute in Pakistan is leading the way in providing top tier cloud technology. Here: https://rapidcompute.com/

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