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Passenger Charged Rs 10,000 Duty on Rs 24,000 Phone at Pakistani Airport

A new policy was introduced by the Pakistan government against the people who smuggle mobile phones to Pakistan. Under the new policy passengers coming to Pakistan are only permitted to bring 5 phones annually. Also, only one smartphone will be allowed free of duty. Now this policy was not taken open heartedly by the Pakistan public as it is a normal trend that relatives and family member, friends who visit Pakistan from abroad bring along a number of smartphones as a gift for their loved ones. This is not easy anymore.

Recently a picture went viral on social media in which a traveler was charged Rs 10,000 on a Rs 24,000 smartphone. At an airport in Punjab the passenger was charged Rs 10,000 duty on a Samsung Galaxy J6 phone.

Here is the slip of the charge

Read also: Duty on Imported Mobile Phones Costing $60 or More to be Increased

The model of Galaxy J6 phone is unknown but in Pakistan the price of J6 latest 2018 model ranges between Rs 28,000 to Rs 29,999. This is the price at which the J6 2018 model is sold on online shopping websites in Pakistan. The version in the discussion could be an older one.

Earlier the Minister of State for Revenue Hammad Azhar tweeted, “For people bringing in phones from abroad, as per personal baggage rules. One phone per annum is allowed duty free and up to a maximum of 5 phones in a year can be brought in. The duty on remaining 4 will have to be paid if you require service in Pakistan beyond 30 days.”

Adding, “The cabinet has also approved the relaxation in policies regarding commercial import of new and used mobile phones. Ban on commercial import of used phones is also lifted if the said phone models conform to PTA regulations and duties and taxes are paid on them.”