PS5 And Xbox Delivery To Face Bottlenecks Until 2023

Anyone who wanted to purchase a game console in the past few months had to deal with delivery bottlenecks in most cases. Both the PS5 and the Xbox Series S/X are expected to remain in short supply for quite a while. The necessary chips are not supplied.
Sony and Microsoft get the power chips for their consoles from the supplier Toshiba, among others. The chips are responsible for the power supply of the other components and regulate the voltage within the device. Toshiba director Takeshi Kamebuchi assumes in an interview with Bloomberg that some customers cannot be completely supplied by 2023. Availability should be limited until at least September 2022. The delivery bottlenecks are therefore likely to extend over the whole of next year and even into the year after next. The missing console copies could be a big problem for Sony and Microsoft, especially during the Christmas season.
Materials Are Short
Of course, Toshiba cannot produce the chips to a limited extent without good reason. The supplier himself has to struggle with delivery bottlenecks since some of the materials necessary for production are not available. Although other manufacturers also offer power chips, Sony and Microsoft do not simply have the option of working with other manufacturers. As soon as other hardware is installed in the consoles, the products require a new certification from the responsible authorities. This can take some time.
In addition to the console manufacturers Sony and Microsoft, other corporations are also affected by the chip bottlenecks. These include Nintendo and a number of consumer electronics and automotive companies. Since the impact on the auto industry would be much greater, Toshiba tries to supply the respective manufacturers preferentially. Therefore, console fans will have to be patient for a while.
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