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Samsung Galaxy S8 Sales: Breaks The Previous Sales Records In South Korea

samsung galaxy s8 preorders

As Samsung announced Early booking before launch, pre-orders of Samsung Galaxy S8 hits 550K for the 2 days, from Friday to Saturday, tripled the sales of Galaxy Note 7 last year.

Its looks like people have rejected the ignominious attach to Samsung brand, when Samsung Galaxy Note 7 gone through disastrous phases and anomalies, people can do mistakes, companies can do mistakes, but there is always a room for improvement. That’s what people are expecting from their favorite brand.

Local media news in South Korea where the tech giant is based confirmed that pre-orders in South Korea hit 550,000 in just two days. Starting from Friday till the end of Saturday. The volume of preorders are 2.75 times more than that of Galaxy Note 7 and 5.5 times greater than Galaxy S7 according to Hankyung.

Demand for Galaxy S8 plus which comes with 128 GB Storage and 6 GB RAM, was more than normal Galaxy S8. The report says, Samsung didn’t have a flagship model for a long time, its aggressive approach to marketing contributed towards huge preorders, however Samsung would be able to eliminate the debacle of Samsung Galaxy Note 7.

Currently, the company is operating in 3000 plus presales trial areas, its largest ever in South Korea for phone sales.

Samsung also began preorders for its new phones in Canada and US, customers will get their preorders delivered after 17th of April, official sales of these phones will start on April 21.

Analysts in South Korea also expecting Samsung to reach its record profits for second quarter.


image via: phoneworld