Samsung has unveiled the world’s first DDR5 DRAM chips. These chips are based on 12nm semiconductor fabrication technology. The company showcased its 16Gb DDR5 DRAM chips and stated that the latest chips have been tested for compatibility with AMD’s Zen processors.
Compared to the previous DRAM chips, the recent chips are more power-efficient. They offer a boost in performance by 23%. The South Korean firm mentioned that such tech was made possible by utilizing the high-κ material. The high-κ material is known for increasing cell capacitance. In addition to this, Samsung also utilized its patented technology to build critical circuits.
The new DDR5 DRAM chips by the company are based on advanced, multi-layer lithography for the industry’s highest die density. They present a 20% higher wafer productivity. These chips present a data transmission speed of up to 7.2Gbps. this speed is equivalent to processing two movies of 30Gb 4K in just one second. In early 2023, Samsung will begin the mass production of its 12nm-class DDR5 DRAM chips. Given this timeline, we can expect the devices based on this chip would arrive sometime in Q4 2023.
The Executive VP of DRAM Product & Technology at Samsung Electronics, Jooyoung Lee, mentioned that the 12nm DRAM will be a key factor in accelerating the adoption of DDR5 DRAM in the market. Given the power efficacy and improved performance of 12nm DRAM, it will serve as the basis for sustainable operations in fields like data centers, AI-driven systems, and next-gen computing.
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