Skull and Bones: New pirate adventure gameplay trailer

After several postponements, Ubisoft’s pirate adventure Skull and Bones is coming to release port soon. Before that happens, the developers are now giving a glimpse of a few of the ways in which you can customize your own ship.

Skull and Bones were primarily inspired by the naval battles from Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag, but unlike there, these make up the majority of the game here – longer land trips are therefore the exception rather than the rule. However, to ensure that life as a pirate on the high seas does not become boring, players are given a range of customization options for their own ships.
These include different cannons and other types of weapons that should teach foreign fleets to fear. But choosing the right armor can also be crucial in heated battles. Decorative elements such as various figureheads are also available, as the new video shows. Skull and Bones will be released on November 8, 2022, for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S. Also new World context trailer we learn more about the setting of the game.
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