Sony May Continue To Receive Call of Duty from Microsoft After a Deal
There was a big change earlier, the acquisition of Activision Blizzard by Microsoft is the hot topic of conversation in the gaming industry so far, and while Microsoft seems happy about it, however, the share price of sony saw a dip ever since. Sony, the PlayStation manufacturer, meanwhile, is mulling to calm things down.
There are still various questions about the biggest and most spectacular deal ever in the gaming business, including antitrust approval and what will happen to game titles for competing consoles. Above all, it is unclear whether PlayStation players will be able to access the publisher’s games in the future as before, including, of course, the megahit and long-running Call of Duty.
Microsoft has hinted in the course of the takeover that nothing will change, as they do not want to break up any communities. Nevertheless, you can presumably add a big “for now” to this statement, because there were similar statements after the takeover of Bethesda – and in the meantime, it is certain that the future parts of The Elder Scrolls, Fallout, and Co. will be Xbox and PC exclusive.
Sony is currently confident that it will also get Activision Blizzard games in the future. Because opposite to the Wall Street Journal a Sony spokesperson said, “We expect Microsoft to abide by the contractual agreements and continue to ensure that Activision games are offered cross-platform.“
There is No guarantee as yet
Long-term reassurance for PlayStation players is still unclear. Of course, Microsoft must and will comply with current agreements, especially since they have not yet officially taken over the publisher. But even if we assume that there will be no objections from an antitrust point of view, the Redmond company will fulfill current contracts – just like they did with Bethesda and Deathloop. But what will happen after that is written in the stars. Because after the expiration, nothing prevents Microsoft from making many titles exclusive games.
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