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Sony will introduce an anti-piracy app for Android TV

No tech company is unfamiliar with piracy. Such piracy threats are presented on merely every platform be it PlayStation or music or videos. Similar is the case with Sony. It has been struggling against piracy for years. As of now, the company has come forward with an anti-piracy measure that would be specified for Android TV.

According to some recent reports, the Japanese giant has documented a new patent application against piracy apps. As per the report of Torrent Freak, the patent is targeted toward the blockage of piracy apps presented on smart TVs and streaming devices. Besides this, we know that the tech company Sony utilizes the Android TV platform for its smart TVs. So we can anticipate that such anti-piracy measures could also arrive on Google’s platform as well but in a limited manner.

The company has shared some details regarding the working of this anti-piracy system. It mentions that a system-level ‘Monitor’ app would be considered for this system. It would be done to make it part of the operating system. The app would be presented with a list of pirated network resources i.e., URLs and IP addresses. It would be capable of marking the third-party apps that would access the said resources. Such apps would then be blocked by the monitor app. It would either block it, pause the content at intervals, or provide a corrupted experience to annoy the viewers.

Well, this is just a patent document as of now. We don’t know whether it will make it to actual devices or not. There are still many questions associated with this monitor app. In addition to this, Torrent Freak has also stated about the CD rootkit scandal of Sony in its report. Since using this kit Sony installed some software secretly on some PCs. Where basically the software was aimed at preventing CD copying. But sadly, it was provided with vulnerabilities that were manipulated by malware.

So, we have to wait and watch whether any upcoming anti-piracy app presents such issues or cope with them.