According to the information shared by Mark Gurman, the Vision Pro headset won’t launch in January 2024. Reportedly, the headset will be released in March 2024. Mark Gurman claims that the company still needs some time to refine its distribution plan. Besides this, the device needs further testing.Going by the past years’ strategies, the company holds its spring event in March, so there is a chance that the company might take advantage of this and debut the headset. It might come with a preview of some more apps. Reportedly, the headset is quite complex. Due to the design complexity and manufacturing difficulties of the product, the company had to lower its production estimates by “dramatic means.”Some reports suggest that in 2024, the company will make less than 400,000 units of the Vision Pro. Besides this, the device will only be launched in the US market. It might debut in markets like Canada and the UK by next year’s end. In addition to this, selected retail employees will be receiving Vision Por training at the company’s headquarters in the US. These employees in turn will train other members of the team at the respective stores.Following the device’s release, flagship stores will feature spaces specifically designed for customers to interact with the Vision Pro, while other locations will only have one or two units available for trial. The Vision Pro headset is based on VisionOS. Last week, the sixth beta of VisionOS was rolled out to developers. It features updated introductory movies that the user encounters during setup, signifying that the headset’s development is almost finished.
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