
The background playback feature has been added to Google’s Reading Mode

The tech giant Google introduced the Reading Mode app for Android OS last year. The Reading mode app integrates with the operating system of the device. Users can modify the appearance of text on the screen with the help of this app. Furthermore, the Reading Mode app is compatible with people with vision impairment. They can read long texts like articles on the web conveniently. Additionally, this app can also convert text into speech thus helping the users to listen to text rather than reading it.

Now the company has announced the first major update for the app. The update accompanies a new useful feature. Given the updated version of the app, users can continue listening to a piece of content while switching between the screens or apps. Previously, the reading mode app would turn off the text-to-speech feature when a user left the overlay of the app.

The media player widget is now shown in the notification panel for Android’s Reading Mode

When text-to-speech is active in the background, Reading Mode will now display a media player widget in the notification panel and lock screen that enables users to

  • play/pause the audio
  • skip to the next or previous sentence
  • scrub the entire article from anywhere in the user interface (UI) or even when the device is locked

Users can turn off the play content in the background feature by heading to the settings of the app. Click on the Play In Background toggle and adjust accordingly. Furthermore, the toggle to activate or deactivate the feature support Material You theme. It is shown as an in-head checkmark design. It is the reflection of the company’s efforts to present an integrated theme across the UI.

The latest updates are rolling out in gradual phases therefore, few users might have access to it earlier than others. In addition to this, users can also access the updated version of the Reading Mode from the Play Store. Just go to the Play Store. Click on Profile Icon, head to Manage Apps, and click on the Update All button.