The Most Stressful Soaps to Watch Revealed

Many of us enjoy watching a soap, with lots of us faithful to a particular programme. Due to hard-hitting storylines, it’s not astonishing that sometimes we can get stressed watching our favorite show. In this article, we will share with our readers the most stressful soaps to watch and the results might be shocking.
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Buzz Bingo in a new study found out the stress levels in thousands of fans tweets about Emmerdale, Coronation Street, EastEnders and Hollyoaks. Emmerdale has been crowned the most stressful show to watch out of the four.
While the recent shocking storyline involving Maya Stepney and Jacob Gallagher has gripped Emmerdale fans and caused them to tweet in their thousands, the study also analyzed tweets from three dramatic episodes including Holly Barton’s sudden death from a drug overdose in 2016, which left viewers reeling. The scale used to measure tweets was as follows: -1 (no stress), -2 (low stress), -3 (moderate stress), -4 (high stress), -5 (very high stress).
The final ranking is based on the TV shows which had the highest proportion of tweets classified as -2 to -5. Below are the most disturbing shows according to the viewers.
- Emmerdale
- Coronation Street
- EastEnders
- Hollyoaks
For Emmerdale 40.4% proportion of total tweets were ‘stressed’ tweets, EastEnders was just marginally behind with 39.1%, Coronation Street came in third most stressful with 37.8% of tweets counting as stressed.
Surprisingly Hollyoaks viewers were the less stressed with only 35.8% of viewers tweets classed as stressed.
The most common words that fans use in their tweets about the shows has also been revealed. Emmerdale fans use the word ‘sad’ most often, with ‘killed’ and ‘heartbreaking’ coming in shortly after. For EastEnders the most common word is ‘crying’ followed by ‘murder’ and ‘awful’
Coronation Street viewers use the word ‘heartbreaking’ most of all, with ‘crying’ and ‘mental’ close behind. Whereas Hollyoaks fans use the word ‘sad’ ‘cry’ and ‘horrible’ the most.
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