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Top 3 Solid Tips To Write Timeless Content

You must have heard the phrase that “content is king” but there are good kings and bad kings as well, there are also kings like Alexander who can conquer almost half of the world, there are also kings whom reign span over decades, we are talking about the king here whose reign is unbeatable and for much longer time.

The timeless content is something similar to this, the content that never expires, or it has a long shelf life. Yes, we are looking for that kind of “King Content” which is evergreen. If you need help and more information on this type of content, here’s a helpful post on how quality content writing services can help your business and more. Blogs are a powerful form of content marketing, and content within that blog really matters.

How to write timeless content

Let’s first talk about writing the content, you might have written very good pieces of content but you must be wondering your content doesn’t last for long and it disappears from the search results over some time period, that is because you have a content which is time-bound, interest bound or trend bound.

1- Get out of News

The example of time-bound content is the latest and breaking news, whether you are in politics, technology, and business and finance the news is always time-bound. The content you write about the latest developments in your subjects becomes news and has an expiry date. If you are writing blog or articles on current trends, implications, future projections related to your niche and If you are focused on writing evergreen or timeless content you first need to get out of the news, this is the first tip that you can work on to start your journey to writing timeless content.

2- Brainstorming

Well, you must be wondering the latest news and trends knock on your frontal lobe then you plan for writing something that could be useful for readers, or readers might be questioning and wanted to know some specifics about that news and what could be the future implication of such news blah blah.

If you are disconnected from the current news and trends how you can write your next masterpiece. Well for this you have to do brainstorming and think out of the box, let me give you an example, you must have heard about Brexit, there is almost a new story about Brexit every day, if you write an article about Brexit you might focus on what is going to or what can happen in the future.

But brainstorming focusing on the timeless content would open up new corridors for you. You may write about the history of Brexit, so even after the Brexit is over, even after many years people will refer to your written article.

Similarly, you can write “Britain before, within and after the Brexit” where you can cover past, present and, future of Britain. You can also think of many other instances that will make your content timeless and evergreen.

3- Research

Similar to when we say that the “Content is King” we also say research makes it the King whose reign is expanded over the decades. Research is what needed in almost every aspect of crafting an epic post, but it is more needed when you draw upon timeless content.

There are several research tools that you can use for this purpose, you may use Google Adwords for Keywords and traffic estimates, the number of searches in order to get Idea what people actually search for in your niche. Secondly, you can research your competitors or even the website you think are the most popular such as Forbes, Mashable, what type of content they write and how well people respond to their content.

You can also research people’s interest, what is their growing interest? For instance, many people now are more conscious about losing weight quickly, so making it more precise you may draft a post which could be something “How to lose 10 pounds in 1 month or less”. This is just an example you can come up with better ideas if you give proper time to research.

Final Verdict: Once you come up with the great idea, you must weigh it and measure it from all angles, is the content time-bound? Is the content trend bound? Is the content interest bound which could change over time? You must answer all the questions negatively before starting your work.