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Twitter Rolls Out a No-Notification Feature from Unwanted Users

Twitter No-Notification Feature
Twitter rolls out a no-notification feature. CEO Twitter Jack Dorsey intends to enhance the safety on daily basis.

As of the recent abusive and fake content on social networking websites, Twitter with other such networks, are on the verge to take every possible action to secure their active users.

Earlier today, the ‘Twitter Safety’ department announced that users will not get any notifications from individuals on mute/block list.

This small feature is available for web, iOS, and Android. For a better result, users are also allowed to block, unfollow, or report accounts for better usability and a more friendly social network,

This small step will help the platform identify people who could be provoking abusive/unwanted content. Jack Dorsey also showed his interest when he said that this the company would be improving the quality of this department. And small changes like this would be handled on a priority basis.

Earlier this month, Twitter also rolled out a “safe search” feature, which will help them filter unwanted content and block the users spreading such posts.

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