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Home » Technology » Uber Finally Fired Its Self-Driving Star Engineer In Waymo Suit

Uber Finally Fired Its Self-Driving Star Engineer In Waymo Suit

Uber has finally fired Anthony Levandowski (right), top engineer who was leading the company’s self-driving project in the middle of case with Waymo.

Previously, Uber threatened its employee Levandowski a former Google engineer to fire him if he doesn’t comply with the court orders to return the documents and files stolen from the prosecutor company Waymo.

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Waymo sued Levandowski for stealing nearly 14,000 highly confidential files fron the company on self-driving technology. Uber wanted Levandowski to cooperate with court and provide all the information needed and asked by the court or else face a termination from Uber.

Instead of cooperating Lenvandowki took advantage of 5th Amendment which protects individuals from self-incrimination. After this plea Uber decided to sack the engineer, Uber confirmed the termination of Levandowski which was earlier reported in New York Times.  

Uber was quite clear on its stance and told Levandowski clearly to cooperate with investigation team, Uber also set the deadline for Levandowski but he failed to meet the deadline and took a decision which was quite opposite to the one Uber was expecting, told Uber’s spokesperson.

What’s at stake in all that legal battle between top two silicon valley companies is the self-driving technology, Google is working on self-driving technology since 2009 and Uber’s future relies on self-driving technology.