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Use Facebook Messenger to generate more sales online: Here is how to

facebook messenger to generate sales

Facebook messenger as you have used is a platform for connecting with friends for private messages, conversation, calls etc. but it can also be used for business purposes, Facebook introduced messenger for business in 2016 with some extra features that you may not see in normal messenger.

You can post sponsored content on Facebook and direct users to messenger where they can perform complete purchase nice and easy. Some website builders like Shopify also offers integrated Facebook Messenger on the website so you can sell your products directly to users while promoting your products, content on Facebook.

Take Payments through chat

Facebook allows you to add buy buttons directly into the chat where users do not have to click on the link and go to the website for purchase, the customers find it hassle free when they can directly pay from the messenger they save a lot of time avoiding filling in details again on the website for purchase.

You might be thinking you have to add an additional payment system on the Facebook not at all, the payment system runs right through your website’s back-end whatever system you have installed already, the customer receipt and delivery details are also delivered to the customer via Facebook Messenger chat.

Browse products using Messenger

Shopify Facebook Messenger provides another unique feature which allows users to browse products from your site within the messenger, the messenger uses bot responses for customer queries, you don’t physically need to be on messenger to respond to all users queries.

Functionality is paid

If you use Facebook messenger directly on your website then it’s free but you will have to get a developer to add the functionalities like that. Shopify has made this product to sell for a monthly fee.

It free if you are Shopify customer

You can use the app functionality for free if you are Shopify customer, I think it’s worth paying for some little extra features on your website, the app is suitable for business of all sizes.