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Vulnerability Fixed: Microsoft starts update for Y2K22 bug

Despite holidays and emergency staffing, Microsoft has already decided on the Y2K22 bug – and provided a hotfix. At the turn of the year, there was an unexpected problem that resulted in e-mails not being sent with Exchange. That was now faster than expected: On January 1st, 2022, a processing problem with the date format arose on Exchange servers, on January 2nd, 2022 the problem was already fixed with an update. A transitional solution (workaround) was already making the rounds yesterday, with the help of which anyone who operates on-premises Exchange servers could start sending messages again. There is now an automatic script that will restore order. The fatal error in the Microsoft Exchange date conversion came about because the date is displayed as the value “”. However, this value exceeds what the servers can process with the current data type Int32, where it ends at “2,147,483,647”. As a result, the malware scanning engine crashed, and emails and messages got stuck in the transport queues of Exchange Servers 2016 and 2019. Users were seeing errors in the application event log (errors 5300 and 1106).

Microsoft Said

Microsoft initially confirmed that they were aware of the problem and working on a solution: “We are aware of and are working on an issue that causes messages to get stuck in transport queues on Exchange Server 2016 and Exchange Server 2019. We are actively working to resolve this issue and expect to provide details on the Publish fix to the problem. “

Start the script now

The company has kept its promise and has now published a solution to the problem. Microsoft provides both an automatic solution with a script to reset the scan engine and a solution with manual input. You can find details about this under https://aka.ms/ResetScanEngineVersion. The script can be executed in parallel on several servers and is the simplest solution. See also:

Microsoft, Cloud, E-Mail, Office 365, Microsoft 365, Exchange, Cloud Computing, Exchange Server, Microsoft 365 Business, Microsoft Cloud, Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft 365 for companies, Exchange online, mail server, Exchange Logo, Microsoft Exchange Online, Microsoft Exchange Online Logo, Email Server, Cloud Hosting