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What’s new in Google Chrome 109 Beta

Google Chrome is a popular search engine that is available on almost every device we own. With a fast moving technological world, the company keeps Chrome updated with four updates each week. These updates come with both major and minor updates. Although the main focus is on adding the latest web technologies, you can always hope for new development options.

Secure payment confirmation

Google announced through the Chrome Developer Blog that they are working on the latest web version. Secure payment confirmation (SPC) allows verification through your biometric unlock when a purchase is made. This feature can allow you to skip the configuration of your credit card and will also secure your card details, which can be misused. Although, for it to really work, it should be coordinated by both banks and online sellers. It might take some time to reach out with your hands. It’s already available on macOS and Windows, and now it’s being introduced to Android through Chrome 109.

Screen-sharing improvements for video conferencing

Sharing your screen during a video conference can be intimidating. The trouble of closing up tabs and stuff you don’t want to show on screen A screen capture API was proposed to Google to let the user select a screen or a specific portion of a screen they want to show. As this feature advances, it will be an easier option to use and will protect your privacy. Also, the advancement in feature allows the user to select the duration after which the screen will be clearly visible to the audience.

Disrupting audio can be troublesome during an important meeting. Google is working on the option of suppressing audio. This feature will allow screen sharing with colleagues in the same conference and will eliminate possible audio disruption. Developers are focusing on providing a feature where you can control your audio outputs.

Preparing for a world without third-party cookies

Browser developers are working on a web design without third party cookies. This feature will be another addition for privacy protection, as it will not allow you to be tracked by third-party cookies. Despite this, it can also impact the websites that are working together, including the Disqus system that keeps you logged in through a third party system.

As announced by the company, Google has worked with a first party developer on this solution, which is now available in Chrome. The proposal was updated to allow sharing data by linking websites. Sites must be cleared for linking in order to share the same data with the corresponding domain. The same data and cookie permissions will be exchanged by these websites. Google will post a link to GitHub, a platform where web developers can submit their work, for information about related sites.

Material and other interface work

In Chrome 108, material you and material design 3 were introduced by Google. These latest features are not currently available live; you need to access them via flags. Use the flag: /flags/#omnibox-modernize-visual-update to activate the chrome.On desktop systems like macOS and Windows, you will get a highlight of the feature after enabling it: //flags/#customize-chrome-color-extraction. Through this, the theme colour will be changed according to the image chosen for the new tab.

Download and install

By installing Chrome Beta, the latest updates will be on your devices quite soon., despite your platform variations. Chrome Beta can be downloaded from the Google Play Store. Also, the Chrome website can help you get it installed on your computer.