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Why is BBC being accused of Racism by Bollywood Fans?

The Bollywood icon Shashi Kapoor died on Monday at the age of 79 after a long illness. His death created a saddening atmosphere for all Bollywood fans.

Now relating to his death a controversy has emerged as the leading British News Channel BBC wrongly reported Shashi Kapoor’s death.

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Two video clips were shown on Monday evening news where the presenter Huw Edwards told the viewers about the death of the Bollywood actor. The issue started as none of the men shown by BBC was Shashi Kapoor, one picture was of Amitabh Bachchan, and the other was of the nephew Rishi. Paul Royall the editor of the program immediately apologized on Twitter for the mistake made, but it was too late for that.

BBC was accused of racism after this mistake and people all over social media questioned BBC on its stupidity for not being able to tell a difference between two brown actors. For some, the error made by BBC was unprofessional while others immediately called it racist.

Some of the own members and stars of BBC criticized the error made on social media.

Creator and co-writer of BBC One’s Citizen Khan Adil Ray, “Someone at the BBC thought the brown person in this VT is the same person. Worse still, neither of them are the deceased actor Huw refers to. It’s poor when it would have taken them seconds to verify. Not enough care.”


Saturday Live on BBC Radio 4 presenter Aasmah Mir said she was “really annoyed” by the error.

BBC apologized saying, “BBC News at Ten is very sorry the wrong images were used to mark the death of Shashi Kapoor. The piece did not meet its usual standards and the programme has apologized for any upset.”