Windows 11 Will Tell The Estimated Time To Install Updates

Windows updates are part of everyday life for every user of the operating system. This has been the case for decades and won’t change with Windows 11 either. In the future, however, updates will have a small but nice convenience function, namely an estimate of the time required.
If you don’t follow blogs and news sites about Microsoft and Windows closely and know what is being fixed with individual updates and how big they are, you will have to be surprised every time how long it takes to run a Windows update. That changes with Windows 11, as Ghacks noticed in the current first preview build of Microsoft’s new operating system.
Windows updates that are available are indicated by a yellow dot and an ‘update’ symbol in the taskbar at the bottom right. However, a necessary restart is already complete with Windows 10 similar or the same displayed, only the icon is slightly different. But if you click on it (or go directly to Windows Update), then you can discover a practical new feature there.
Required Time In Minutes
Because Windows Update or the “Update and shutdown/restart” buttons will show how long the whole thing will take. This is certainly a practical function because it makes it easy to assess whether an update should be carried out immediately or later, or whether something else should be done in between.
In practice, the Windows 11 preview does not yet work exactly, because an update, which was estimated to take around five minutes to install, was installed in a little over a minute, according to Ghacks. In any case, the estimated time cannot be foreseen across the board for all computers, and it can also be assumed that Microsoft will improve these estimates and tailor them to the respective computer.
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