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Wire Versus Wood Decking Systems: Which is Better for Your Storage Needs?

wood decking

The company warehouse, though hidden from customers, is the heart of a business operation. It’s crucial to keep it safe and secure to protect the products as well as the employees. Every year, there are 50,000 “struck by fallen object” injuries in the United States, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Some of the causes of these accidents are the improper stacking of pallets and unstable shelving systems.

In the past, shelving systems were only limited to materials made from plywood or particleboards, but these materials have proven to be hazardous and unstable. To prevent accidents that may cause injury to employees or damage to the products, more companies are now shifting to pallet rack wire decking for their storage facilities. This versatile shelving system provides a safe surface to support pallets, bins, boxes, and other products.

Here are some reasons why a company needs to switch from wooden shelves to wire decking:

  1. Fire Safety Standards

Companies in the US are now required to use pallet rack wire decking in their storage facilities as this shelving system is compliant with the fire and safety code standards of the Office of Safety and Health Administration.

If a fire breaks out, water from the sprinklers can easily penetrate the whole shelving system because of the open mesh design of the wire decking. It makes putting fires out easier. Pallets comprise particleboard or plywood, so it blocks out water and prevents it from going through the whole shelving system. Wood can also fuel the fire. Since the wire decking is fabricated with high-quality metal, it’s fireproof, thus preventing further damage.

  • Sturdiness and Stability

A wire decking pallet system is easy to install and locks into place on top of the racking beams. It provides stable support for the boxes or pallets that will be stored. A wood decking pallet system, on the other hand, does not lock in place and has a lower weight capacity than its wire counterpart. Also, additional hardware is required to keep it in place.

  • Maintenance

Wire decking is easier to maintain because of its powder coating. Wood decking tends to collect dust and is more prone to molds or insect infestations.

  • Lighting and Ventilation

Light and air can easily pass through the mesh design of the wire decking system, which allows proper ventilation. In contrast, wood decking blocks off the flow of air and light, which might result in molds and mildew that will affect the stored products.

  • Design

The crisscross design of the wire decking system prevents items from falling. This unit supports channels that contribute to the overall weight capacity and stability of the wire decking. The flat design of the wooden version cannot hold items in place. There is a tendency for boxes and bins to slip and fall. Since additional hardware is needed to keep it in place, there is room for error in installation.

Read More: How To Streamline Your Business Operations For Better Output

Getting a pallet rack wire decking system is a better investment than the wooden version in all aspects. It ensures that valuable products are in a safe and secure home. A business owner will have peace of mind knowing that his/her items will reach customers in the best condition. Ultimately, business operations will thrive in an environment free from accidents and injuries.