Home » Technology » You will now be charged for SMS two-factor authentication on Twitter

You will now be charged for SMS two-factor authentication on Twitter

Twitter Accounts

While providing some benefits for Blue Tick subscribers only, Twitter is now planning to provide some advantages to non-Blue Tick subscribers too. Twitter is soon to be launching what we can call a security key or authentication method for users that are not blue tick subscribers. The application is making this authentication an exclusive feature for its subscribers. Non-blue tick subscribers are unable to access it. Users who are already using it can switch to this new authentication method until March 20.Their authentication will be simply disabled if they are unable to switch before the due date.

Twitter is aware that this announcement about taking this decision is the result of contact number authentication being abused. Nonetheless, some detractors are dubious of Twitter’s justification and theories that the company’s true goal is to include SMS 2FA as one of the products it offers with its subscription service. A “Blue” subscription, which puts a checkmark next to the user’s name, costs between $8 and $11 per month or $84 per year.

Regardless of Twitter’s true intentions, the majority of users who have two-factor authentication activated on the service could now need to alter their login routines. In accordance with the company’s transparency report from 2021, the SMS method is used by 74.4 percent of consumers who have 2FA activated. Only 28.9 percent of users utilize authenticators, and only 0.5 percent employ security keys. However, only 2.6 percent of all Twitter users have two-factor authentication activated, despite the fact that the numbers could’ve been altered.

In a statement from the company, they clarified the requirement of authentication and a security key for non-blue-tick subscribers. They pushed this method as a great way of keeping it secure from security threats.