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Android Could Provide Speed Info of the Open Wi-Fi Networks Before You Decides to Join Them

Ever since the update of the Oreo—an Android version, was released weeks before; still more cool and refined features are unveiling of the Android 8.1. Like, for example, a day before yesterday Google made an announcement that Oreo would be displaying the speed of the nearby open Wi-Fi networks to assist one in deciding whether to connect to the open available network or not to bother.

The Wi-Fi settings menu would now be showing either one of the provided speed tags—Very Fast, Fast, OK or Slow.

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As per Google, there is a difference between the Very Fast and Fast speed label. On the Very Fast tag “very high-quality videos” could be streamed and on the Fast speed label “most videos” could be viewed.

It further mentioned that many of the coffee shop dwellers would be happy with the OK speed level as it would be enough for using social media, web browsing and Spotify streaming.

The Wi-Fi networks secured with passwords meaning the Private Wi-Fi networks would not be showing the speed data since it is of nobody’s concern and Google cannot just test them like that, however, the signal strength would continually be shown.

Google says that the network providers or administrators can refrain their networks from showing the speed info by using the “canary URL”.

So, for all those out there that thought Android 8.1 is all about the emoji cheeseburger and about shifting on the Pixel 2’s Visual Core chip, it seems that there is still loads to uncover, once the device gets an Android 8.1 upgradation.

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