Whatsapp takes on a more strict approach to fight fake news

WhatsApp is trying different things with yet more devices to help battle the spread of fake news. Another beta for Android labels messages you send as “frequently forwarded” in the event that they’ve been shared at least multiple times. You can even observe the definite sending count by jumping into the Message Info segment. A message is frequently forwarded when it has been forwarded more than 4 times. When a message is frequently forwarded, a different icon is shown on the bubble than you are used to seeing.
It’s constrained to messages you send as opposed to ones you get, yet it could give you doubts about sharing a sentimentalist piece of fake news more than once. In the 2.19.80 beta update, WhatsApp has started to work on a new feature that will allow (when enabled) to get more info about a message.
It’s not sure if or when this will achieve the standard WhatsApp discharges, in spite of the fact that its quality in the beta program proposes it’s generally a short time before it is launched.
The messaging giant is surely compelled to act. Critics have accused fake news on WhatsApp for impelling lynchings and other brutality in India, and Facebook has ventured to such an extreme as to run newspaper promotions and contract committed staff to keep a top on fake information and news items. On the off chance that WhatsApp can get out flawed messages through techniques like this, it should not depend on intense measures later on.
WhatsApp and its parent company, Facebook have made efforts to curb down on the spread of fake information. The Senate committee has also grilled Mark Zuckerberg on the way Facebook stores and manipulates data on the newsfeed. Furthermore, the accusations of Russian meddling in the US elections has only led to more scrutiny of the way these social media applications spread and store information.
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Image via Business Today
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