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Belkin launches a kit for cleaning earwax off AirPods

Our AirPods, like many other items in our daily lives, require cleaning. It is almost impossible to hide a feeling of disgust when it comes to sharing AirPods. Accept the fact or not, but our earbuds are the dirtiest thing that needs to be cleaned regularly.

This week, Bulkin announced the release of a new AirPod cleaning kit that is designed to remove earwax and dirt stored in an earbud to get the original performance back. This kit is specifically designed for Aipords models 1, 2, and 3. As these earbuds don’t have silicone, they don’t expose themselves to earwax when in the ear.

  • Belkin’s cleaning kit includes:
  • cleaning brush
  • Earwax softening solution
  • design gel
  • microfiber cloth

Belkin has also shared a small tutorial on YouTube about how to clean our earpods.

  • Apply two drops of earwax to your earbuds.
  • Wait for 1 minute to let it work.
  • Pull the softener using a microfiber cloth.
  • To remove any remaining dust, scrub the cleaning brush for 30 seconds.

According to the information provided, the kit is designed for one-time use only, as it contains a quite small amount of the given products. Also, the earwax solution comes with a limitation: use within two hours.

Furthermore, Belkin says that the wax and dirt in the earbud can lower the sound quality. The kit contains materials capable of cleaning 99% of the materials that are obstructing the sound. Belkin assures that the tools in the kit are designed perfectly so that they will not cause any damage to earbuds.