Despacito has been removed by hackers from Youtube

YouTube’s music video for the hit tune Despacito, which has had more than five billion views, has been hacked. The song had won a grammy for the “song of the year”. In excess of a dozen artists, including Shakira, Selena Gomez, Drake and Taylor Swift are likewise influenced. The original clips had been posted by Vevo. The Despacito video has been removed, yet its cover picture had demonstrated a group wearing masks and pointing weapons.
The programmers, calling themselves Prosox and Kuroi’sh, had stated “Free Palestine” underneath the recordings. Some of the clips remain live at time of this post.
Despacito became famous after Justin Bieber made an attempt to sing it live in one of his concerts
Of those, the real video content itself seems, by all accounts, to be unaltered. Numerous titles have been changed to incorporate the names of the programmers, however just some element the supplanted cover picture.
Both YouTube and the music video facilitating administration Vevo have been reached for comment on the issue but to no avail.
A Twitter account that apparently belongs to one of the hackers posted: “It’s just for fun, I just use [the] script ‘youtube-change-title-video’ and I write ‘hacked’.”
“Don’t judge me I love YouTube,” it added.
Cyber-security expert Prof Alan Woodward, from Surrey University, said it was unlikely that the hacker was able to gain access so easily.
“To upload and alter video content with code you should require an authorisation token,” he said.
“So, either this hacker has found a way around that need for authorisation, or they are being economical with the facts, or they obtained the permissions in some other way.”
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