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E2000 Chip Jointly Developed By Intel And Google

Intel and Google have been working together on a chip lately. The result of the cooperation, which ran under the code name “Mount Evans” and now led to the chip with the official designation E2000, could now be presented.

The E2000 has been designed for use in large data centers. However, he should not make any calculations there, but primarily ensure that the expensive high-end CPUs in the servers are relieved and do not have to use capacities for routine tasks. The new chip is therefore mainly concerned with organizing the data that is to be passed on to other systems via the network.

But Mount Evans should also enable a significant leap forward in terms of safety. This is primarily about access to processor cores in cloud environments. A CPU with numerous cores often takes over calculations for different customers of the data center operator at the same time. And it cannot be ruled out that information will leak into the wrong area of ​​the chip.

The E2000 is to act here as an upstream control instance. For each individual user of a cloud service, the chip will set up a secure route to “its” cores, which are strictly separated from others. Ultimately, this should also significantly increase the quality of the respective cloud offerings.

Other Intel customers

Although the development took place in close cooperation between Intel and Google, the E2000 is not an exclusive product for the data centers of the search engine group. Intel produces the new chip as part of a module that can be integrated directly into servers and can also market this to third parties. “We see ourselves as the open cloud, and we’re excited when others take advantage of these capabilities,” said Google chief technology officer Amin Vahdat.

Google Cloud will offer the E2000 in a new product called the C3 VM, powered by Intel’s fourth-generation Xeon processors, Vahdat said. Xeon chips are Intel’s most powerful CPUs, and Google Cloud is the first cloud service to use the latest generation of these chips, it said.