Facebook’s Rating Dropped to 2.4 on Google Play Store Following Cruel Decisions on Pro Palestinian Posts
Facebook is facing harsh reactions following its unjust removal of accounts and posts talking in favor of Palestine and against Israel.

Facebook has done it again; it went on removing and blocking pro-Palestinian posts and accounts. But this time, the app faced a huge jerk.
According to The Verge, in response to Facebook’s cruel actions, a social media campaign by pro-Palestine activists pushed down Facebook’s rating to 2.4 stars on the Google Play store. Something similar happened on Apple’s App Store.
Reviewing the situation, one engineer wrote in a post on an internal Facebook message board that “users are upset with our handling of the situation,” adding that the users “have started protesting by leaving 1-star reviews.”
After this reaction from pro-Palestine activists, Facebook reached Apple to remove the anti-facebook reviews. However, Apple has declined this request. It’s not clear how Google responded to the request.
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