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Google Chrome with its latest browsing efficiency to hit Top Android devices

With all its recent updates, Chrome has improved greatly by all means. The issues regarding the platform being a giant for draining your CPU, memory, and battery resources are pretty much sorted. With the latest update, this is improved, with the latest improvement being that the browser is 30% more efficient. But this option is limited to high-end devices.

Chrome’s browsing speed improved by 30%

The features that have improved the browser’s speed were shared via blog posts. The latest version of the platform includes several technical upgrades that will minimize memory usage and boost the speed and efficiency of the browser.

In the latest update, the platform will work in accordance with its focus on speed rather than binary size. With this, the platform will lose some points in terms of binary flags. As stated by Google, the browser version for Android has always been designed for smaller steps. As we see in the world of Android, there is huge diversity in the capabilities of the device. In that scenario, a unique kind of browser was designed that will hit the top Android devices.

This latest update will improve the browser’s performance by 30% with a speedometer 2.1 benchmark. As per information from Google, this improvement was attained through some amendments to the underlying code; some enhancements were made to JavaScript, including “Object.prototype.toString” and “Array.prototype.join” functions, along with specified efficient paths to “inner HTML”.

With all these changes, the team discovered some new ways to save up memory in both V8 and Olipan with pointer compression. This marks the improvements regarding pointers being compressed and decompressed with the assurance that high-traffic fields are not being compressed. In progress to these changes, a 10% increase in Apple’s speedometer 2.1 browser benchmark was noticed over a period of three months.

With its speed improvement, Chrome is surely one of the best mobile browsers, but it’s still quite far from being a perfect one. These browsers can result in slowdown due to some issues, but this is also resolved by this latest update. If you are a regular user performing all research on the browser, this latest amendment can boost your productivity with its efficiency.