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Google intends to use subsea cables to connect continents


In an effort to compensate for the digital divide between the Pacific Islands, the United States, and Australia, tech giant Google has introduced the South Pacific Connect initiative. Reportedly, Fiji and French Polynesia have been selected as the new sites for landing international subsea cables. Through this initiative, internet access will improve in the region. In this way, users can access more affordable and reliable internet facilities.

The project is set to receive significant investments from the US and Australian governments, according to a White House fact sheet. Reportedly, Australia will contribute $50 million, and around $15 million will be given by the US to Google. Two of the main subsea cabling systems, Honomoana and Tabua, are the essential components of this venture.  

The first cabling system, called Honomoana after the Polynesian language, will create a direct connection between the United States and French Polynesia, and eventually, Australia. The United States and Fiji will be connected by the second cabling system, Tabua, which takes its name from a Fijian word, before reaching Australia.

Furthermore, this initiative not only focuses on infrastructure but will also act as a catalyst for economic growth given the $65 million investment. It is an example of global cooperation and collaboration. The cable landing stations at Fiji and French Polynesia have their own communication channel that is connected through a special interlink cable. The interconnection of these cable stations will improve connectivity throughout the region and increase the dependability of the transpacific routes.

As a result, a network that caters to several Pacific islands will be created. It includes the Solomon Islands, Timor-Leste, Tuvalu, the Federated States of Micronesia, Kiribati, the Marshall Islands, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, and Vanuatu. According to Google, subsea cables are crucial for improving internet affordability and reliability and promoting economic growth and productivity.

In addition to joining continents, the South Pacific Connect program offers all participating countries the possibility of a future filled with greater connectivity.