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Google Messages will introduce new delivery indicators and user profiles

Google Messages have received several updates in the last couple of months. It got a Material You makeover along with a refurbished account switcher. Some recent reports now suggest that soon Google Messages will receive a new update. This news information is based on a screenshot shared by a Reddit user u/seeareeff. As per this shared image, Google Messages will now enable the user to create their own profiles.

However, one thing to mention here is that Mishaal Rahman from Esper actually discovered the profile page on Google Messages app. The profile page appears when the user accesses the Settings menu and searches for profiles. As of now, the feature is non-functional. However, as soon as the feature goes live, users can create their individual profiles by utilizing their name, email address, and picture.

Well, if we deeply observe the shared screenshot we get to know that the option for the visibility of profiles is not presented currently. But with the developments, we can expect it to arrive in the future. Most probably the visibility option will provide the following options to the users: Public, Selected Contacts, or just the User. As the name indicates, if some users set the privacy as Public, then everyone in the contact list can view the user’s profile.

Alongside this latest update, there is another interesting feature. It indicates the ‘Notifications For Contact Updates’ toggle. Such a feature enables the user to receive notifications whenever any user in the contact list updates their user profile. Besides this, the feature ‘Notifications For New Contacts Found’ will provide the user with information whenever a new contact is identified.

Do note that the latest feature for the user profiles is currently in the developmental phase. Besides this, the developers are aimed at expanding a new feature to more beta users.  the initial testing phase for delivery indicators has been completed successfully. Now it is ready for wide rollout to beta users. The new delivery indicators feature is presented with a single circle indicator. The delivered messages will be resented with two circle indicators side by side. However, the indicators fill up as soon as the message is read.

Currently, this feature is presented to beta users. As of now, we have no clue when these new features will be rolled out. Since they are in the developmental phase.