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Google Photos receive some minor updates

Google photos app

Google has introduced a minor change to Google Photos. The company has come forward with two terms updated in the menu. Interestingly, both these terms are linked with backups. One interesting thing to notice here is that both the Google photos app as well as the web version have received these modifications.

Given these changes, the Backup and Sync option has been modified to Backup. Interestingly, this is going to be the main controller for turning on or off the auto mode of backup of photos and videos. Besides the Backup term, another term has also been changed. It is the Upload Size. Now it is termed Backup quality. However, the other two options are unmodified. They are presented in the same previous manner i.e., ‘Original quality’ and ‘Storage saver’.

Do note that the recent updates are server-side updates. So, updating the app is not required for these changes. Given these recent modifications, the company has mentioned that users were finding the previous terms confusing. The company hopes that new changes will resolve the issue. Besides the recent modifications, the company stated that there is no alteration in the upload process. It is just the basic terms that have undergone a change.

For years, the company has been introducing fresh changes to Google Photos. Given this fact, the app has become one of the favorite apps for Android as well as iOS users. Although, the free storage option is no more available with Storage Saver.