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How to Change Your Career Path in 5 Simple Steps

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You may think that it is too late to completely change your career path; maybe you have been in the same industry for many years or you think that it is too late in life for such a big shift, but if you really want to change your career then you can.

Yes, it will involve an element of hard work, you will need to be persistent and will probably need to grow a thick skin, but it can be done.

All you need to do is follow the below simple steps and you’ll be on your way to your dream job before you know it.

1.    Decide what type of career you want

If you know that you want a career change but aren’t sure what type of new job you want to look for then, there are several steps that you can take to help identify what your new career should be.

  1. Evaluate what you like and dislike about your current profession
  2. Determine your skills and interests by looking at previous roles that you have succeeded in
  3. Do your research; look into possible career paths that interest you

2.    Find out if there is a demand for the role

Starting a new career in an industry that you are not familiar with is hard enough, but if your chosen sector is already oversaturated with high-quality employees, you may struggle to find a work placement.

Therefore, it is important that you carry out extensive research into your chosen profession to see how much competition you are likely to face.

3.    Consider taking a side job

Taking on a second job can be a daunting prospect, but it is a great way to gain an insight into another industry as well as offering you the chance to gain some much-needed experience.

It also minimizes the risks associated with starting a new job, as you can carry on your existing job for as long as you want, waiting until you are confident in your decision for moving forward in your new career.

Alternatively, you could volunteer at an organization in your preferred job sector. According to Hiscox, it is becoming more popular for individuals to expand their horizons and test out other industries while still working full-time.

4.    Upgrade your skills

This could involve taking an online course or attending a series of seminars relating to your new career; anyway in which you can help yourself stand out from other potential candidates is a positive step.

You can also look at ways that you can utilize your current role to broaden your skillset; accept any offers of relevant training or take on a new project that provides transferable skills that are relevant to your new career.

5.    Explore other possibilities in your current industry

If you want a change but are worried about starting completely from scratch, it may be worthwhile looking into other types of jobs in your current industry.

This is a great way to diversify your career options without having to start at the bottom of the ladder. You will already have a solid foundation of industry knowledge and experience which will prove invaluable in a new role within the same sector.