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Microsoft Tells About Start Menu Creation

Start menu Windows 11

In addition to a new, system-wide design update, the taskbar and the start menu are among the most important changes Microsoft will introduce with Windows 11. In a video, the Redmond-based company explains at least superficially which ideas were collected in order to design the most essential contact points almost from scratch. Thereby three points should have been the focus for developers and users – the search, files, and programs. And it is precisely on this basis that the new start menu is created.

Many questions had to be answered

The company’s previously little-noticed video was brought to the fore by Windows Latest, and The Wall Street Journal describes Microsoft’s process in its report as “the result of years of research and testing by a 40-strong development team.” Important questions that had to be clarified according to the video: Should the start menu be left-aligned or centered? Should there be a search field? Should there be a list of all the applications so that the Start menu feels familiar? The developers apparently answered all questions with a yes, because all points are integrated into the new Windows 11.

In the WSJ interview, Microsoft executives explain their decision as to why the icons within the taskbar and the start button, in particular, are centered at the factory: “I remember that we wanted to make sure that the start button felt efficient, and we did, too notes that Windows has become more flexible with the devices it is used on: from tiny tablets to personal computers to that gigantic 50-inch, ultra-wide monitors. ” For example, they wanted to save the latter the long way to the lower-left corner.

With the new taskbar and start menu design, Microsoft is also dropping some useful functions under Windows 11, as we reported in advance. Above all, the inability to attach programs to the taskbar via drag-and-drop or to open them directly by dragging the appropriate files is a downgrade for many users. It remains to be seen whether the features will be brought back by the October release.