Netatmo Presence will spy on your neighbors?

Netatmo Presence is a device designed by the French company Netatmo. It is a porch light and security camera. It is by far the best automatic LED floodlight with an outdoor webcam that provides complete outdoor security. The device can detect the presence of a person, car or an animal near your vicinity and reports it in real-time which is really efficient in preventing breaking-ins and damages to property. The ultra precise alerts let users know the very instant on what is happening outside the home by live streaming it to view in real-time.
The Netatmo Presence can be installed very simply into your garage. To install one just has to pull off the old lamp and metal strap that is connected to the gang box. The small modular connector of the device is then to be connected to the wires. The final step is simply screwing in the large ex bolt and the light turns on. As long as the light is on the system will successfully operate.
Netatmo Presence provides real time information
Once the system is up and running then it becomes super easy to use. Everything by the camera is recorded into an SD card which is present in the light. The footage is then available on your phone through the Netatmo service. The service is free and only stores still shot of everything that triggers its ultra sensitive sensors. It then notifies you about what is happening outside your house based on the settings.
Read about the security warnings that people tend to ignore
The video recording is pretty nifty and the sensor is able to pick up quality black and white images at night. The camera has an audio feed too. The special zones inside the app allow notifications if someone encroaches your territory. The camera is $299 and is up for pre order grabs on Amazon and will start shipping in November.
Image via BonjourLife
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