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Scammers Hack Twitter Accounts of Musk, Apple, Gates, and Others

Twitter Accounts

The official Twitter accounts of Apple, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and others have been hacked by the scammers on Wednesday. The hackers tried to fool people into sending the cryptocurrency bitcoin.

On July 15th Twitter faced the biggest ever cybersecurity attack. The hacked accounts were more than a dozen, including the accounts of US President Barack Obama, Tesla’s Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos the CEO of Amazon, Joe Biden the Democratic presidential candidate, and the Microsoft founder Bill Gates.

Each of the profiles was used to dupe the followers to send an amount to a bitcoin address. The posted tweet vowed a double paycheck of the sent amount.

Jack Dorsey, the chief executive of Twitter posted in a tweet that it was a tough day for them.

On inquiry and investigation as per Twitter, it was learnt that the hacking activity was a coordinated social engineering attack that exploited the access of the Twitter employees to the internal systems and tools.

After the attack, the shares of Twitter were down by more than three percent in the extending trading.

The attack could have been worse as said by the CEO of the cybersecurity firm SocialProof Security, Rachel Tobac.

Furthermore, there is no evidence that the hackers did not steal any information like direct messages from this attack.

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