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Twitter Imposes Display Posts Limit To All Account Types

Twitter is going haywire again: Shortly after users who were not logged in were blocked from reading tweets, the company surprisingly limited the number of tweets displayed every day – this also applies to paying customers.

As so often, the new restriction on Twitter started without prior notice. Since July 1, users have been complaining about error messages that they have already reached their daily limit of viewed tweets. And indeed: Twitter has introduced a limit.

According to Twitter boss Elon Musk, verified accounts can currently only see 6,000 posts per day, for unverified accounts it is 600 per day, and new and unverified accounts can even only see 300 posts per day.

Musk Take: AI companies spy on “huge amounts of data”.

Musk said it was a temporary measure taken to avoid overloading the network, blaming AI companies that spy on “huge amounts of data.”

The limit should be increased

Musk also explained that the tweet cap would “soon” increase to 8,000 for verified users, 800 for unverified users, and 400 tweets for new unverified accounts. So it looks like these limits will stay with us for the time being. Musk said in late June that “several hundred organizations were extremely aggressive in querying Twitter data, to the point where it degraded the actual user experience.”

Anyone who used to enjoy scrolling through Twitter posts will now quickly reach their limit. The service should thus become unusable for many users, as the limit can be reached quickly. Musk himself estimated that you can get 6,000 tweets in just over an hour.

In this context, however, it is also interesting that the feared problems occurred at such a close time since Musk refuses to pay his bills to Google.

Twitter uses various cloud services, including security-related offers from Google. Experts already feared that without Google’s support, spam could get out of hand.